How to Set Up Your Home Wi-Fi Network:
- Shortcut key : Windows Key + R
- The below will Appear:
3. Type CMD
4. type : ipconfig /all
5. This will appear :
6. Ip Address : (Important: Different computer will show different IP)
7. Default Gateway : (Important: Different computer will show different IP)
8. Now go to : Down and Right side of your Desktop / laptop:
9. Right Click the Wifi Icon :
10. Open Network and Sharing Center :
11. Click here :
12. Click Properties :
13. Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4):
14. Configure this like before screenshot. Taking the IP and Default gateway from :
CMD> ipconfig /all >
a) IP Address:
b) Default Gateway.
As like as Serial No. 5
Give at Preferred DNS server.
15. click Ok.
16. Create a folder at D Drive. named : Shared.
press OK.